Well we had our official IVF class on Tuesday. We walked in not knowing what to expect and thinking it would probably be a little overwhelming. We were both surprised by the amount of people and the variation of ages. We had 10 couples and the ages ranged from probaby about 25-35. It wasn't at all as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. Actually it was quite amusing to be in a room with so many men and be openly talking about menstrual periods. Probably even more crazy that all these men knew about everything the nurse and embryologist were talking about and they were the ones with questions!!!! 3 years ago they probably didn't even know what ovulation was. We didn't learn much more in the class than we read in our packet. Seemed like they just talked about A LOT of shots. Or maybe that is all I could think of. The success rate right now for IVF is 68% with a 30% chance of twins and 3% chance of triplets. I'm actually ok with these statistics. If God wants me to have 3 little babies, so be it.
There is one big thing that I am struggling with big time. We have the choice to freeze our eggs for later use. Part of me does not think this is morally right. My struggle comes though with the fact that at the Bennett Fertility Clinic they are not allowed to dispose of eggs. So if I choose ahead of time not to freeze any than they are only allowed to fertilize the amount of eggs (give a few) I want put back in, and there is a chance that they would not delevop to transfer to me. If we do decided to freeze them it is roughly $3000 for the first year then about $47 a month after until you decide what to do with them. There are a couple of options if we did not use those eggs. We could donate them to research, donate them to another couple, or they would insert them back in to me at a time when I am not ovulation so they would basically be disposed of by me or something like that. I would of course chose the 3rd. Those are still our babies, embryos or not. The goal is to not have to go through IVF again. I have this huge amount of hope that this is a one time thing for us. After this we hope to be that couple that the infertiles hate because we just can't quit getting knocked up. ok so I'm kidding. Anyway, I'm having a really really hard time with this decision and I have to decide pretty soon.
Aug 07 is when we decided to start tying for a child. You’re always told have sex once and you'll end up pg. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that it would be this hard. Finally after 17 months of trying they put me on Clomid. We got pg on the first round. 2/09 was when we found out. We were so excited 3/09 was our first appt. We heard our baby's heartbeat. My next appt was 4 wks later when they told me my baby no longer had a heartbeat. We welcomed our twin boys on 6/17/11.

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"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. John 9:3
That's a really tough decision and one of many that we'd talked about when we were facing IVF. I think every couple has a different answer (we wanted to donate to another couple), but it comes down to what you feel most comfortable doing.
I pray that this will happen on the 1st try for you and you get 1,2or even 3 amazing babies. And that you are that couple that the other infertiles hate because you keep getting pregnant. :)
What to do with the leftover embryos was one of our big concerns when we were facing IVF as well! I was leaning towards putting them back inside of me when I wasnt ovulating.. but my husband wanted to only fertilize as many as we would use. So, I understand the dilema. =/
My only advice is to pray about it and try to be obedient to what you feel like God is telling you to do! Let Him be the decision maker about it.. that way, its not all left on your shoulders in the end!
I really feel like this WILL work for you guys and I cant WAIT to walk through your pregnancy journey through your blog with you!!
God bless XOXOXO
This was my only hang up with IVF... I'll tell you what I did, maybe it'll help. I worried and worried and worried about what I would do with the left over embryo's... I ended up praying like crazy that the Lord would guide me... at the end of it all. I didn't have any embryo's left to worry about. As sad as that seems, I didn't have to make any decisions as to what to do. I believe the Lord's hand was on it the entire time.
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