Morning Sickness- This has really prevented me from enjoying pregnancy so far. It makes me so sad because I have waited so long for this. The good news is it has gotten a hundred times better. I had a week where I didn't throw up at all, but was just nauseaus all day. The last 3 days the throwing up is back, but I'm not yucky feeling all day. I actually had my first productive day yesterday in about 10 weeks.
Weight Gain- So far I'm holding steady at 6 lbs. And sadly enough those lbs just happend in the 2nd Tri. Oops. I could technically count 2 in the 1st Tri because I would lose it then gain it. Hey whatever makes me happy lol. Actually for the first time probably in my life I love my fat belly and have no self consciousness.
Babies Room- This was my productive day yesterday. We cleaned out a big part of that room because it's kind of been a catch all room. We still have some left but really it just goes in the attick. We bought our cribs last weekend, but we don't plan on putting them up for a while. We decided with two babies things are going to get expensive so we wanted to start buying now.
Gender- We scheduled a Gender scan with a local ultrasound place for Feb 3rd. I'm so impatient I could not wait another 6 wks. I still think it is 2 girls. We did the Intelligender for fun and it said boy. Chinese gendar calendar says boy. All other wives tales point to girl so far. I am so excited to know what we are having.
It's crazy to think in just about 5 wks I should be feeling these babies move. It makes me emotional just thinking about how blessed we are right now. In 5 short months we should be holding our miracles that we have waited so long for. God is so good. I will leave you with the much anticipated belly shots.
Here is week 4
And here is week 14