Brooklyn Grace was born on March 27th. She was 7lbs 13oz and 19in long. My spinal was horrible but the actually c-section was easy. I also got a tubal ligation so it's official. No more babies. She came out screaming and literally didn't stop for about 10 minutes. (Seemed like 30). I actually got to do skin to skin immediately this time as they were sewing me up. That is the one thing I've always felt I missed out on not having a natural delivery. It was amazing to say the least. She is perfect and such a good baby. The boys absolutely adore her!!
Aug 07 is when we decided to start tying for a child. You’re always told have sex once and you'll end up pg. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that it would be this hard. Finally after 17 months of trying they put me on Clomid. We got pg on the first round. 2/09 was when we found out. We were so excited 3/09 was our first appt. We heard our baby's heartbeat. My next appt was 4 wks later when they told me my baby no longer had a heartbeat. We welcomed our twin boys on 6/17/11.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
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"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. John 9:3