Where has 6 weeks gone. I cannot believe my babies are this old already. It honestly breaks my heart to think about. If this amount of time has flown by already I just know the rest will be flying by too and I'm not ready for my boys to not want their momma. (yes I realize this is like 10 yrs away.) They are both growing so much and developing their own personalities.
Brody- Weighs approximately 8.2 lbs. He is our little chunk and I love it. He started cooing yesterday and this morning he smiled at me for the first time while talking to him. He is our grunter. Sometimes it's just because he's bored and others because he has tummy problems. Either way he would rather grunt than cry. He's actually doing it as I type. lol. When he wants your attention he will squeal. It's so cute! He's eating 3.5 oz every 3 hours and sleeping about 4-4.5 hours at night. I think he is going to be my busy body who can't sit still. Within the past week he has really started to focus on things like lights, tv, and most importantly me :)He loves to pucker up his lips to give mommy kisses. He has outgrown all his newborn clothes and is in 0-3. This really makes me sad. He is getting so big already and losing that newborn look.
Beckham- Weighs approximately 7.2 lbs. He is the little guy. It's amazing the size difference between him and Brody. I wonder all the time if he will ever catch up. He is the relaxed one. He can just lay by himself and stare away at anything. He has been able to focus on things for a while now. He smiled at me for the first time about 2 weeks ago. He might be a fit thrower though because he already has the arching his back thing down. There are something about his eyes that draw you in. I've felt this since day one with him. He is eating 3 oz every 3 hours and sleeps 4-4.5 hours a night. He is still in his newborn clothes and probably will be for another month.
Both of my boys are growing so fast. They really are good babies and I feel very lucky. They have made it very easy. I honestly think one child would be a piece of cake. Robert went back to work this week. Since he went back we have really established a routine and it's wonderful. The best part of our day is the 2 hour nap in the afternoon for all of us. Oh how I'm going to miss that when I go back to work. I start back 4 weeks from Monday. I honestly don't know how I'm going to do ti. The thought of someone else being with my children more than me and someone else getting to see all their milestones BREAKS MY HEART! I hate that everything is so expensive these days where it's almost impossible to just have one income. I would love to be able to find something part time that pays well, but I'm not sure if that exists. People say it gets easier, but I'm just not sure that I'll ever be ok with it. :(
I've started having body issues in the past week. I was losing weight like crazy and then all the sudden it just stopped. I have 20 more lbs to go to pre pregnancy weight,plus I'd like to lose another 15. I know it's going to take time because I gained quite a bit more than a normal pregnancy, but I'm ready for my old body. I also have discovered stretch marks. I did not see these during my pregnancy, but they are apparent now. I'm hoping with a little tanning they wont be that noticable. I started working out again and eating better so hopefully I'll see some results. And yes I would do it all over again knowing that I'd have this body after.
There is so much more that I think of blogging about, but I have to go change some diapers, so I will try to write more in the next few days. I'll leave you with some pictures for now.
1 comment:
They are so, so gorgeous! It is SO hard to be a mommy and see how fast it all goes. It's like infertility dragged on for decades and now the happy moments just FLY by. My sweet Jackson turns 1 in less than a month! So, I am right there with ya! AllI can do is soak up EVERY second with my babies and enjoy it all, so that's what we do! Laundry be damned, lol!
As for one baby being a piece of cake, I can tell you that it depends on the baby. I have an easier time now with both of my babies than I did when Jackson was little and the only baby. He had acid reflux and was SUCH a difficult baby. Now that he is healthy, 2 babies are easier than those months of just one! And if I just had Addy, wow would life be simple, lol! She is a very easy baby! Just thank God you have 2 easy babies - that makes ALL the difference:). And I can say that from experience now!
Have fun changing those diapers - as they get older, it won't feel like you change one every hour:). Take care, momma!
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